Indie Author

It has been a while since I do any writing; styles vary from person to author. We can easily find each one dispensing their own advice on how to go about this lonely art. From Oscar Wilde to Kurt Vonnegut, each author has explained his or her own method - which works; but not for all of us.
However, there is one true, rule of thumb. Every aspiring author must write every day. Not only does it provide the skills but it also helps build the muscle memory. Just like coding, without the practice, one easily forgets how to connect the rushing ideas onto paper.

As the ideas flow onto our screens, cluttered with ideas and distractions and all the justifications we tell ourselves to stop, we must find a way to fight what prevents us from becoming successful in our own way. Because it does not matter if we hit the top, if we have a thousand readers, nor does it matter if we have five million. Nor does it matter if we only have a few of our friends check religiously our newest post. True writers write for themselves, without caring about the audience, it is an outlet for our feelings. A personal cathartic dance that is expressed in words. It is our own way of being ourselves.

And once we find the joy as we used to have when we first started, then we will be successful. It isn’t the success, nor the fame, but our voices heard and enjoyed by those we care about, by those who care about us.

Then again, we each have our reasons, and not everyone will agree. It is this diversity we live by, the experiences and different situations which makes us who we are. Writers and lovers until the end. Fighters in search of our own voices, lost…. lost in the sea of information, trampled by bots infesting our media outlets, our forums, our way of life.

It is these bots, evolved by men, who will endanger our society. Not only the life of writers…. alas, I digress.

Thus, an editor or critics would say unto us that we must keep a central idea, a plot. It is time we revolutionize, try, attempt, learn new ways of doing what is being structured into formulas that even a program could perform. And even if I am wrong, this is the way of a self taught Indie Author.


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The long murky road of the loan Indie writer

It’s been a few weeks since I released / updated the book. I’ve been busy writing a twitter bot (still unfinished) to help promote it. I’ve done a few tests manually to see the conversion rate with the help of analytical software. I’ve... Continue →